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West Fraser Management Transition

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West Fraser announced today that Larry Hughes will retire as Vice-President, Finance and CFO at the end of March 2017.

Ted Seraphim, President and CEO said: “Larry has contributed greatly to West Fraser during his 10 years as part of our senior executive team. Before joining West Fraser he was our outside legal counsel and served on our Board from 2002 to 2005. Larry has played a pivotal role in the growth of West Fraser and we have all benefitted from his practical approach and thoughtful advice.”

West Fraser is pleased to announce that Chris Virostek will become Vice-President, Finance and CFO upon Mr. Hughes’ retirement. Chris is a Chartered Professional Accountant, CA and has held a number of senior financial roles at Masonite International Corporation since 2002, most recently as Senior Vice-President of Strategy and Corporate Development.

Mr. Hughes will remain with the Company until the end of June 2017 to assist with the transition process and thereafter may provide advisory services to West Fraser’s management.

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