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Toppan Group’s 2022 Sustainability Report Published

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Toppan, a global leader in communication, security, packaging, décor materials, and electronics solutions, published the English version of its Sustainability Report 2022, which focuses on the Toppan Group’s activities in the year ending March 2022.

As the Toppan Group targets a sustainable society and enhanced enterprise value, it is advancing a Medium Term Plan to transform its business portfolio through digital transformation (DX) and sustainable transformation (SX). Toppan also aims to become a leading provider of solutions to social issues worldwide by driving the evolution of its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and strengthening management foundations through human asset development and R&D.

The English version of Sustainability Report 2022 has been published in the Sustainability section of Toppan’s corporate website. It provides stakeholders with extensive insights into the Toppan Group’s sustainability activities, which include responding to climate change, addressing human rights issues, and managing supply chains.

“Toppan’s sustainability report is intended to further enhance engagement and enable all of our stakeholders to gain a thorough understanding of what we are doing,” said Fumie Ikeda, General Manager of Sustainability Promotion at Toppan. “We will continue to enhance our disclosure in step with society’s expectations and changes in the world around us by publishing reports covering the Toppan Group and undertaking diverse activities focused on sustainability and ESG performance.”

Highlights of Sustainability Report 2022

  • Enhanced management section
    The management section of the report provides a comprehensive range of information based on Toppan’s long-term vision of being a company that creates social value. This includes a message from Toppan’s president to stakeholders; the Group’s approach, framework and KPIs for sustainability activities; and reports on the progress of ongoing initiatives.

    ● Special reports and TCFD-related disclosure
    This year’s special reports focus on the achievements and future action plans of ESG projects Toppan has been advancing since fiscal 2021, namely human rights, supply chain management, and efforts related to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Information on the potential impact of climate change on the Toppan Group’s business is also disclosed in line with the TCFD’s recommendations.

    ● ESG activity reports
    Information is organized and presented clearly in each of the three ESG sections, and disclosure has been enhanced with the addition of content on R&D and intellectual property
