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Success at GrindTec in Augsburg/Germany

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We have to pay a huge compliment to the Association of German Precision Tool Grinders, the founders of this outstanding trade show for grinding technologies. What started from humble beginnings is now an exemplary achievement for this industry of mostly medium-sized businesses. Today, GrindTec has established itself as an international trade show far beyond European borders.

This presents the stage for LACH DIAMOND’s presentation of the first metal-bond profiled diamond and CBN grinding wheels, which could revolutionize serial grinding of work pieces made of carbides, hardened steels and ceramics.

LACH DIAMOND’s »contour-profiled« procedure is a cost killer in the best possible way. Previous grinding times with resin/hybrid-bond grinding wheels can be reduced by up to 60%.

During deep grinding of threading inserts, the profiled grinding wheels reduce 2-3 work steps to one single process.

LACH DIAMOND developed this production procedure which allows for the manufacturing of almost any profile – concave or convex – at the smallest possible tolerances of up to 0.005 mm.

In addition, metal-bond grinding wheels from LACH DIAMOND guarantee maximal tool life, by far exceeding previous resin bonds.

In regards to maintenance – i.e. re-profiling and re-grinding of LACH diamond and CBN grinding wheels – LACH DIAMOND guarantees 100 % renewal or reproduction of the original profile and degree of precision – and not only once, but multiple times.

This alone should be a reason to try out LACH DIAMOND.

Dressing with the diamond dressing roll »drebojet-plus« – which emerged from the PCD diamond dressing roll »drebojet« at the beginning of the 80s – is a noteworthy innovation simply because the presented type of drebojet dressing rolls for the CNC-dressing respectively profiling of conventional grinding wheels are maintenance free and do not have to be sent back to the manufacturer for expensive maintenance service.

If you cannot wait until IMTS in Chicago, please call our LACH DIAMOND hotline for further information – call 1-800-LACH-USA or email to
