Stiles Gives Back

Grand Rapids, MI, December 19th, 2017 – As 2017 comes to an end, Stiles Machinery Inc. is proud to have supported the successes of not only their customers, but organizations throughout the country who are doing their part to make our world a better, safer, healthier place to live. From repopulating the world’s old growth trees to supporting families and first responders affected by Hurricane Harvey, Stiles employees have made a significant impact this year by passionately partnering with these important initiatives.

Archangel Ancient Tree Archive is one of the many honorable organizations supported by Stiles. Their mission is to repopulate the world’s oldest and most resilient trees to leave a living legacy for generations to come. Throughout the year, Stiles supported AATA by sending team members to their headquarters to participate in monthly team building exercises and hands-on plant growth and preservation training. Stiles looks forward to continuing this partnership with AATA throughout 2018.

Stiles also contributed to hurricane relief efforts following the destruction left by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, with an equal match for every dollar donated by Stiles employees to the Red Cross in September. Steven Smith, District Team Leader in Stiles’ Southeast Region, took matters a step further by organizing a local initiative to provide meals to over 400 first responders and individuals directly affected by the hurricane.

“Nothing mattered but helping your neighbor. Stiles’ donation to this effort started a snowball effect resulting in others doing the same. I personally appreciate what Stiles did because it enabled me to help,” said Steven.

Stiles employees also joined forces with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life as well as the AVON 39 Walk to End Breast Cancer, which both exist to help make a global impact on cancer. Stiles employees raised over $5,600 in support of the American Cancer Society, while Regional Sales Manager, Rebecca Lee ran a total of 39.3 miles in the AVON 39 event, raising an additional $2,200 for the fight against cancer.

When asked why she chose to participate in this event, Rebecca responded, “We can always find a reason not to do something. Therefore, we might as well just get up and do it. If you really want something, nothing is out of reach.”