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SICAM and Vauth-Sagel celebrate joint anniversary

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The SICAM in Pordenone, Italy, is a firm date in the international furniture industry's diary of events. This year, Vauth-Sagel showed the trade audience a cross section of its entire collection. The main focus was on one area: the corner, and how to use it most efficiently. Both the trade show and Vauth-Sagel had a reason to celebrate: when the SICAM was held for the first time ten years ago, the company was one of its first exhibitors.

Spotlight on the corner: the Vauth-Sagel stand concept dedicated an entire island to the corner solutions. The highlight here was the corner solution CORNERSTONE MAXX, which has already won several awards for the particularly efficient way it makes use of space. "In the furniture industry, comfortable space solutions are an important competitive aspect," says Claus Sagel, Vauth-Sagel's CEO. "This has been confirmed once again by the particularly high visitor frequency at our stand at this year's SICAM." The trade audience was not only impressed by the corner solutions – the cross section of Vauth-Sagel's collection also received maximum attention. The response to the new Planero design version, for example, was extremely positive. The steel-finish closed shelf extends the modern look to the kitchen cabinet interior. Its tasteful lava grey colour represents timeless design. With Planero, Vauth-Sagel now offers its customers five shelf versions. Alongside Planero, the company also showed its classic steel basket version Classic and the open design shelf Premea in Pordenone.

The visitors were also impressed by the new runner system in the company's tall pull out larder units VS TAL Larder and VS TAL Gate. The now fully-synchronised runners and optional PAM dampers make the pull out units even more comfortable to use as the movement sequence has become smoother; the entire unit therefore offers customers the perfect user experience. The company's latest products VS ENVI Single and VS SUB Basket in the Planero design completed the presentation.

Apart from the excellent feedback on the presentation in Italy, there were two more reasons for a celebration: when the SICAM was held for the first time ten years ago, Vauth-Sagel was one of the first companies to recognise the event's potential and to register as an exhibitor. Since the, the company hasn't missed a single SICAM and is therefore celebrating its tenth anniversary at the show together with the event's anniversary.

Ten years – that also brings us to the second reason for celebrations: VS ADD T.O.M., Vauth-Sagel's innovative storage solution for small odds and ends, was also developed ten years ago and celebrated its anniversary at the SICAM 2018 with a competition that runs until 30 November 2018. See for more details.
