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OMEGA and GRASS are shaping the future of living together

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The English kitchen manufacturer OMEGA PLC and the specialist for motion systems GRASS agree on a long-term brand partnership. Urbanization, lack of housing, changing buying behavior, increasing importance of the online business, price pressure, digitization, smart home, batch size 1 production, growing competitive pressure and not least the Brexit – the challenges for the European furniture industry are manifold. Reason enough for the two companies to join forces, exploit synergies and tackle the change side by side. In addition to joint marketing activities, the focus will be on the development of new sales concepts.

OMEGA and GRASS have announced a broad cooperation. The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of both companies and, in times of rapid changes in the furniture industry, to join forces and face the challenges together. "Progress lives on the exchange of knowledge, as Albert Einstein already knew. In this respect, it is only consistent and correct to form suitable alliances for progressive furniture concepts ", explains Albert Trebo, CEO of the GRASS Group, the background of the forward-looking partnership. "The competence of OMEGA is to build quality kitchens. Our competence is the development of functional motion systems. Together we are a unique team of furniture specialists that can usher in a new era of furniture making and marketing.

Two companies are investing in the future

"Growth is only possible if you create the conditions," says Albert Trebo. In this regard, both brand partners are equally well prepared. OMEGA has invested approximately £ 25 million over the past seven years in automating and expanding manufacturing in South Yorkshire. In addition to its own coating plant and various new automation lines, a new hall with approximately 7,000 square meters of storage space was also built, which makes it possible to double capacities. And GRASS has recently invested some 100 million euros in the future: in mid-2018, the foundation stone was laid for the new sales and logistics center on 43,000 square meters in Hohenems, Austria. For the Würth Group company, this is the largest investment in the company's history

Living will change

How do we live in 15 years? Futurologists agree on one thing: the metropolises of today will grow into so-called megacities by 2030, in which 70% of the world's population will live. Living space becomes an almost priceless scarce commodity. Inevitably, the demands on architecture and furniture will change radically. And from this comes the thought: Where do we buy furniture in 15 years? Or will there be more rental furniture or sharing offers? Will the furniture studio on the outskirts be the first port of call or will we order kitchens and furniture online? Or are there alternatives to the conventional home? "I could imagine that the future living is more like a hotel stay. Similar to holiday apartments today, we will use fully equipped apartments in future, "says Harald Klüh. Global brand manager of GRASS, who has been exchanging ideas with trend researchers and other professionals worldwide for living, working and living in the future for many years. This vision raises the question of who decides which furniture will be in the "apartments" in the future. Which customers then turn to OMEGA and GRASS? Both companies will address these and many other questions together and look for new solutions. Which customers then turn to OMEGA and GRASS? Both companies will address these and many other questions together and look for new solutions. Which customers then turn to OMEGA and GRASS? Both companies will address these and many other questions together and look for new solutions.

Project business as growth engine

Already in the next five years, an increasing demand for fully equipped real estate is expected in Europe. What has long since become normal in Asia, the Middle East and North America will thus also be established in Europe – large housing projects that are handed over turnkey and fully equipped to buyers or tenants. Kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom – the apartments are fully furnished and ready for occupancy. Even TV, sound system and coffee maker are included in the package price. "Such real estate projects have their own laws and make special demands," is how Harald Klüh describes this vision. "OMEGA is well prepared for this and the ideal partner for GRASS."

OMEGA offers quality Made in England furniture and is undoubtedly one of the UK's most ambitious kitchens. Since its founding in 1992, the company has since become a big player, pioneering design, automated manufacturing and marketing, with brand kitchens sold through specialized stores in the British Isles. Flat packs or pre-assembled – OMEGA is one of the few furniture manufacturers to offer both options. This peculiarity makes the kitchen specialist from Yorkshire an expert in advising and supporting national and international real estate clients.

1 + 1 = 3. The whole is more than the sum of two brands

Harald Klüh describes cooperation as the key to success and rates the new brand alliance as a huge opportunity for both partners. He knows that the cooperation of brands has established itself as a highly successful business model. Brands can charge each other and grow together. Such brand partnerships are especially effective when two areas of competence can be harmoniously combined and complement each other in a coherent manner. "For example, if the new Ferrari model incorporates RECARO seats or the new OMEGA kitchen GRASS motion systems. Then both brands can benefit from each other, "explains the brand expert. In addition to the mutual transfer of brand characteristics, the emphasis on brand components attracts a great deal of attention, differentiation and additional sales arguments.

OMEGA moved by GRASS

The significant role of motion systems in judging kitchens and furniture can be seen very closely at furniture fairs. Movement systems bring furniture to life: when consumers step in front of a piece of furniture on display, the first reaction is always the same – they touch the furniture, open a drawer, a door or a flap. Only by opening and closing furniture can be experienced haptically, acoustically and visually. "In fact, with our pull-out, hinge and flap systems, we not only provide functional high-end technology, but also an emotional experience," says Harald Klüh. "So that this emotional experience value is also perceived by the consumer and understood as added value, it is important to draw attention to the special qualities of our movement systems.

Anyone who buys OMEGA should know that GRASS motion systems are integrated

GRASS supplies the best furniture manufacturers in the world – whether Italian star designers, luxury manufacturers, fully automated volume manufacturers or the innovative carpenter around the corner. GRASS hardware makes the difference, ensures the perfect movement and has already proven itself globally. In about 30 million households worldwide there is a kitchen with GRASS fittings. "We are the world's leading developer and manufacturer of functional motion systems for exclusive furniture," adds CEO Albert Trebo, "adding this expertise to the brand partnership with OMEGA." OMEGA has made GRASS products highly reliable, innovative functional components recognized early on. For almost 20 years, the English kitchen manufacturer relies on motion technology from GRASS.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding the forthcoming Brexit, OMEGA and GRASS have opted for long-term cooperation. "Whatever the future may bring, together we'll be able to master it," says GRASS CEO Albert Trebo, summing up the goals for the partnership.
