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LIGNA 2017: The ultimate in forestry technology

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Hannover. LIGNA, the world’s leading trade fair for machinery, plant and tools for the woodworking and timber processing industries, next runs from 22 to 26 May 2017. And when it does, its forestry technology section will sport a number of exciting new features. The open-air site will be arranged in various “theme avenues” dedicated to key aspects of the wood production chain, and will also feature a central demonstration site. Plus there will be an activity zone in front of Pavilion 33.

The theme avenues will be located to the north and south of the demonstration site and will cover five main themes: mobile sawmills ∙ logistics ∙ logistics and transport ∙ large-scale forestry machinery plus forestry tools and energy from wood ∙ firewood production lines and tools. On each day of LIGNA, the demonstration area will feature live demos of all kinds of machinery, both large and small. The demonstrations of each item’s technical highlights and associated operating methods will be moderated by the German Forestry Council (KFW) in partnership with the manufacturers. Spectator areas will be set up around and within the demonstration site, so visitors will have a clear view of each day’s live demonstrations. As well as these moderated demonstrations, the site will feature ongoing displays by participating exhibitors.  

2017 will in fact be the eighth time that the German Forestry Council (KFW) has partnered with Deutsche Messe to stage special presentations of forestry technology on the open-air site and in the pavilions beneath the EXPO canopy. Pavilion 33 will feature a completely new layout of themes. The pavilion, itself, and the open-air site in front of it will be home to the “Forestry Technology Trends Showcase”.


Pavilion 33 – the “KWF Business Pavilion”

•            “Every Second Counts – Forest Rescues”

KWF has compiled a standardized Germany-wide database of forest rescue extraction points. The data is available free of change at At LIGNA, KWF will present a range of applications that can use this data. These include a zoomable map that can be used to search for and locate rescue extraction points, a rescue app for mobile devices, and the NavLog forest track navigation solution. Forest owners will also be able to go to this presentation for advice on identifying additional extraction points.


•            “ELDAT – Data Standard for Wood Logistics”

At this presentation, the KWF will be profiling the current ELDATsmart data project and previewing the new ELDAT Basic Viewer. These are forestry logistics data exchange standards that give forestry and wood-industry companies, particularly SMEs, affordable options for leveraging the power of digitalization.


•            “Forest and Game – Safety First!”

KWF is partnering with the Lower Saxony School of Forestry (NFBZ) to provide a comprehensive look at hunting standards and associated safety requirements. The focus will include inventorizing bark stripping damage by animals, hunting safety, hunter safety on roads and railway lines and the associated equipment, hunting gear, and inspection of hunting blinds and shelters. There will also be an interactive video rifle range where both real and “armchair” hunters of all skill levels can put their hunting prowess to the test.


            “Winch-assisted motor-manual felling of large-diameter trees”: Demonstration by professionals, for professionals. The KWF is partnering with the German Association of Forestry Contractors (AfL) to demonstrate safe large-diameter manual tree-felling with the aid of a special-purpose forest tractor equipped with a cable winch.


Open-air site in front of Pavilion 33:

•            “Drones in the forestry industry – a revolution in our woods”

This presentation will explore the state of the art in drone technology and the applications and benefits of drone use in the forestry industry. It will take a look at drone use for monitoring risks to forest health, for inspecting storm damage and for planning and building harvesting tracks.


•            “On-Board Computers in Harvesters – Forestry Companies as Part of an Efficient Wood Logistics Chain”

This event examines the latest developments and options for the use of harvester data outputs direct from on-board computers. Examples include standardized work orders, the digital issue of production reports, electronic delivery notes and invoicing plus quality assurance in timber supply.


•            “Forestry from the Air”

Drones are too small for tasks like timber harvesting and forest liming. Hence the growing use of helicopters for these sorts of jobs. On the open-air site, KWF will present a range of forestry services and tasks that can be accomplished using manned aircraft. The presentation will be supplemented by demonstrations of various aspects of aerial forest firefighting and rescue.


•            “Ground-based forest firefighting”

The primary focus here is on the latest technical equipment and methods for preventing and fighting forest fires.

•            “Building hunting blinds and shelters”

In partnership with the Lower Saxony School of Forestry (NFBZ), the KWF will run a practical demonstration on the ins and outs of building hunting blinds and shelters. Hunting and safety experts will elaborate on hunting blind/shelter safety requirements and demonstrate practical solutions.


•            “Cable winch inspection”

The background story here is that the KWF frequently uncovers serious shortcomings in cable winch inspection practices. At LIGNA 2017, the organization will therefore be demonstrating its mobile cable winch testing station, which it developed in partnership with the Forestry Employers’ Liability Insurance Association. The station provides a cost-effective and relatively quick means of testing winch safety parameters.


These presentations will be complemented by a range of forums, workshops and meetings held on the upper level of Pavilion 33. Plans here include technical forums and workshops on log measurement and forest first-aid and survival.


Wood Industry Summit – “Access to Resources and Technology”

The Wood Industry Summit at the upcoming LIGNA is themed “Access to Resources and Technology”. In terms of visitors, it is mainly aimed at vertically integrated companies from forestry and primary wood processing – i.e. large organizations engaged in multiple stages of the value chain, such as timber harvesting and pulp and paper production. For exhibitors, the Summit is an opportunity to present solutions to specific challenges being faced by customers from these industries. Expertise can also be shared in a forum, as well as face-to-face with delegates taking guided tours.


The German Forestry Council (KWF) has been Deutsch Messe’s partner for the Wood Industry Summit right from the start, and in 2017 will again be pivotal to its success. The 2017 Summit will have three main components – an exhibition, a matchmaking platform and a forum. For providers of technology solutions for forestry and various areas of primary timber processing, the event is an integrated dialogue and presentation showcase that gives them access to new growth markets. Key delegations and individual representatives from government, business and research will be invited to take part in highly focused matchmaking events on topics such as Forest 4.0, Firefighting, Infrastructure/Development, and Fleet Management and Logistics Chain Optimization.


Deutsche Messe AG

From its headquarters in Hannover, Germany, Deutsche Messe AG plans and stages leading capital goods trade fairs around the globe. The company ranks among the five biggest trade show organizers in Germany, with revenue of around 329 million euros in 2015. The company’s event portfolio includes such world-leading events as CeBIT (digital business), HANNOVER MESSE (industrial technology), BIOTECHNICA/LABVOLUTION (biotechnology and lab technology), CeMAT (intralogistics and supply chain management), didacta (education), DOMOTEX (carpets and floor coverings), INTERSCHUTZ (fire prevention, disaster relief, rescue, safety and security), and LIGNA (woodworking, wood processing and forestry). With approx. 1,200 employees and a network of 66 representatives, subsidiaries and branch offices, Deutsche Messe is present in more than 100 countries worldwide.
