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Lawcris points MDF users in the right direction

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By John LeggFurniture & Joinery Production

Since its arrival on the scene in the Sixties, the MDF market has grown rapidly – and Lawcris offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of MDF products available in the UK. 

Many people will remember the days when blockboard was all the rage, and the ideal product for kitchen manufacturers – aside from the fact that it spelched/splintered when cut, was not that stable, and the uneven surface would cause issues when veneering/bonding. 

So, there was widespread relief when lightweight MDF came to the scene and revolutionised the woodworking industry, and MDF has continued to grow in strength over the years.

Lawcris has always been known for its diverse melamine and laminate collection, but its portfolio extends much further than this. Selling raw board is where it all began 35 years ago, and, since then, product knowledge and customer trends have determined how Lawcris’ MDF offering has been shaped, helping make it one of the most comprehensive ranges of MDF products available in the UK.

Dean Carrol, head of procurement at Lawcris, says: “We have always kept a huge stock of MDF on the ground. It is easy to get carried away with the decorative boards, but most industry sectors that we service need these functional MDF boards as well.”

It may be unusual to think of MDF as having trends, but there are definite fluctuations in the market for variations of this strong and versatile material. Standard MDF will always have a place in most joiners’ hearts, and, with this knowledge, Lawcris offers over 50 alternative lengths, widths and thicknesses from 2mm up to 60mm.

As the world gets more environmentally sensitive, Lawcris recognises that zero-added-formaldehyde MDF is becoming increasingly popular in applications where formaldehyde emissions need to be kept to a minimum, such as in museums, laboratories, art galleries, nursing homes, hospitals, nurseries and schools. 

Recent unfortunate events documented in the media have meant fire-rated products are rightfully becoming more prominent in the market. 

There are many variations of MDF, so whether standard, lightweight, fire-rated (class B and C), moisture resistant, zero-added-formaldehyde, deep-rout, external, bendi long or short grain, butt and bead, black throughout or hardboard MDF is required, Lawcris can provide it – all FSC or PEFC certified. 

Further to this, Lawcris’ Creative CNC department also offers popular feature panels that have been routed out of MDF to create a patterned finish. These come in three attractive made-to-order patterns – Short Wave, Long Wave and Cestino, a favourable basket weave effect. All patterns are good for feature walls, wall panelling and counter fronts, and the Long Wave and Short Wave also look particularly good on drawer fronts and doors, reports Lawcris – samples are available on request.
