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Kijchai Places New Order with Dieffenbacher

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Thai company expands production capacity with new THDF plant


Thai company S. Kijchai Enterprise PCL in Rayong—approximately 200 km southeast of Bangkok—has produced MDF boards from a Dieffenbacher plant for the past five years. The company is now expanding its production capacity and adding THDF boards to its product portfolio.


"Due to our positive experiences with our MDF plant, we have chosen Dieffenbacher as the supplier for this new project, too. The CPS+ will allow us to produce boards at speeds of up to 1,800 mm/s," Vichai Sangwongkit (Managing Director, Kijchai) said during the signing of the contract.


Kijchai's order is the fifth CPS+ project in Thailand in just two years. In addition to the 28 m long continuous press, the scope of supply includes the dryer, Z-sifter, forming station, Dieffensor, triple diagonal saw and raw board handling, along with a storage system.


The thickness of the boards ranges from 1 to 32 mm. As Kijchai is championing sustainability, only wood from rubber trees grown on surrounding plantations will be used as the raw material.


S. Kijchai Enterprise PCL has been active in the wood-based panel industry for 30 years. By investing in the new THDF plant, the company will be able to more than double its production capacity and therefore strengthen its position as one of the leading manufacturers of MDF in Thailand.

Image: Kijchai MDF plant in Rayong.
