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Kerfkore presents distributor awards at the 2016 IWF

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Kerfkore presents distributor awards at the 2016 IWF




Kerfkore Company presented the award for "Largest Volume Distributor" to Distributor Service, Inc. (DSI) at the 2016 IWF. Pictured l-r is Tom Phillips Kerfkore President, Bill Delaney DSI President, Dave Dascenzo DSI Sales Manager and Rick Ransom Kerfkore Midwest Sales Manager. DSI sells the complete line of bendable and lightweight panels plus they inventory these materials so they can be delivered quickly to supply their customer's requirements. Their growth this year was achieved through standard product sales along with some nice customer projects. We appreciate DSI's support from their management and sales team to make this award possible.


For the Greatest Sales Increase in 2015, the award was presented to Dixie Plywood and Lumber Company/South Florida. Pictured l-r is Dave Quackenbush Kerfkore Southeast Regional Manager, Tom Phillips Kerfkore President, Lou Olivera Dixie Plywood Miami Branch Manager and Dewey Evans Dixie Plywood West Palm Beach Branch Manager. They also sell a complete mix of bendable and lightweight products and inventory a good representation of the Kerfkore product line. Their growth was a combination of strong sales from a variety of these bendable and lightweight products. We appreciate their effort in achieving this increase in 2015.


Our congratulations to DSI and Dixie Plywood for their performance in 2015. We are delighted to present them with the Distributor of the Year awards from Kerfkore Company.



