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KCD Software offers Integra Powder-coated Doors

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South Yarmouth, MA – April 11, 2018 – Cabinetmakers looking for something newer, greener and more enduring can now direct-order custom powder-coated MDF doors straight from their KCD Software designs.

Through a new technology partnership with Integra Doors of Greer, SC, KCD Software has added another industry option for integrated connectivity to their award-winning cabinet-closet design to manufacture software.

One click lets software customers incorporate decorative powder-coated cabinet doors of any size or profile in their kitchen or closet projects. Integra Doors’ proprietary, non-VOC emitting finishing process produces an attractive and seamless product that is amazingly durable. The powder-coated finish won’t delaminate, peel or crack.

“We’re excited to offer the revolutionary powder-coated finish option to our customers,” said John Murphy, founder and CEO of KCD Software. “It’s part of our agile shop system designed to increase speed, accuracy and options for manufacturing.”

“By simply clicking the door order button on the main menu, the list for every door, including size, style and color can automatically be sent to Integra Doors to custom machine and powder coat,” Murphy said.

“KCD Software’s ordering system couldn’t be any easier,” said Bern Fitzgerald, founder of Integra Doors. “Any MDF cabinet door or part you can design and make with KCD Software we can supply because we use KCD Doors Plus manufacturing software. The library includes more than 320 door styles that can be precisely custom sized and modified because of the software’s parametric feature.”

Integra Doors stocks its five most popular powder coat colors – white, off white, light gray, dark gray and black – allowing for finished doors and parts to be shipped within two weeks of an order being placed. Customers also can specify any custom color using the RAL chart or supplying a swatch. Custom color orders only add about one week to manufacturing and shipping.

In addition to more than 320 door styles, KCD Software’s Cabinet/Closet Software offers direct ordering of many other powder-coated products, including:
• Drawer fronts
• Moldings
• Valances
• End panels
• Toe kicks
• Wine racks
• And much more

Integra Doors is one of four cabinet door manufacturers participating in the roll-out of KCD Software’s agile shop direct-ordering program. Many more door suppliers will be added in the months to come.
