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How does the Zeitgeist of a changing world influence interior design? What trends, decors, materials and surfaces meet changing living and space requirements? Interprint presented answers to these questions with a four-day exhibition at the Design Post Cologne. Under the motto of "transform", the company displayed exhibits of selected decor innovations and Zeitgeist topics in a specially designed exhibition area from 16 – 19 May 2017. Seldom before have the guests been as international as they were this year: The specialist audience from the furniture and woodworking industry, as well as architects, designers and shop fitters had made their way to the city on the Rhine from Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, South Africa and, in particular, Asia.


"Six Pack" with full service

Six decor statements with potential for international success – that is Interprint's 2017 "Six Pack". KronbergIntra and Ladin each interpret the focal topic "oak" in a quite different way: natural, experimental and rustic. Paldao is an elegant walnut, Nairo a chestnut and Lavant a diagonally laid marble.

"Un-furniture" – reduced furniture abstractions – demonstrated the effect of the "Six Pack" decors on object installations in the room. The "Six Pack" decors could be examined in all their application possibilities: as a full-service package with a melamine surface, Xelio finish foil, thermoplastic foil and edge banding. Among the other decor highlights: Sidewalk, a purist design with a metal look, which was very popular with the audience.


Co-Creation Collection

Interprint is stimulating modern decor design with its Co-Creation idea: The decor printer cooperates with renowned designers of the international furniture world – facilitating mutual inspiration in the development of decors. During the exhibition at the Design Post, Interprint presented decors developed specially for the company by design greats Jochen Flacke, Thorsten Keissner (Dolf Langemann Design) and Peter Kern from Germany, as well as Attila Kuzu from Turkey and Luca Tormena from Italy. The original materials and background stories exhibited allowed the visitors to take part in the creative process of decor development.


Co-Creation Talk

The highlight of the four-day Interprint event was, without doubt, the Co-Creation Talk on the morning of 17 May. The topic: "Transform – Interior Design in Changing Times" In a relaxed atmosphere, the five international design experts, Flacke, Keissner, Kern, Kuzu and Tormena, reflected together with Salvatore Figliuzzi and Maurizio Burrato of the Interprint Design Team on the influence of the transformation on interior design. One of the findings of the discussion: The application of technology and flood of information give design a new, central filtering and focusing role in the diversity of possibilities. Counter-trends of digitization are the longing for naturalness, conscious imperfection and the everything-is-possible mix of styles, colours and materials.


Experimenting in the lab

Experimenting with the broad diversity of what is possible: in a separate room, the Interprint lab, the visitors were able to create individual collages with various decors, uni-colours and materials. These material collages reflected the role of the decors and uni-colours in the design of the room in an abstract way.


Digital and customized

Launched in May 2015 as a pioneer with the world's first industrial digital printing system, Interprint gave an insight into the fascinating possibilities of this technology at the Design Post. Example: the Verona marble decor with high colour intensity. The future of industrial digital printing also includes the "customized design" with its maximum degree of individualisation and flexibility for the customer.


Interprint international

"The high international spread of the visitors to our event was impressive. And the highlight was without doubt the Co-Creation Talk with five great designers from all over Europe", is how Salvatore Figliuzzi, Director of Marketing & Design at Interprint, summarises his conclusion of the event. "The cosmopolitan city of Cologne was once again the ideal setting for mutual inspiration and creative exchange."


The relaxed exhibition atmosphere at the Design Post Cologne certainly also contributed to the success of the event. The unique ambience of the location encouraged intensive discussions with customers and interested parties.


Film impressions of the Interprint presentation and the Co-Creation Talk: here
