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IGP - Strong team for Wood Coating

Table of Contents





October 2016


IGP Wood Coating Team

Guido Konijnendijk
New Director of
Business Development

Alexander Buchmüller
Head of Technical Service

Jan Nühse
Team Leader
Wood Coatings

Peter Wellenberg
Project Manager
Wood Coatings

Stefan Adam
Project Manager
Wood Coatings


IGP has in the last 6 months hired a very competent and strong team for our further wood coating market development. In this newsletter we would like to introduce you to them and what their responsibilities are.
Our aim is to increase our strengths on the wood powder coating market and continue to be on the front of this exciting future segment. With this experienced team we set our standard high, not only with our products but also the knowledge behind.
With this we are more than ready to assist you and the market for woodcoating on wood like substrates.



 » Get more information about the team here. . . 









