Hymmen in impressive form at the in-house trade fair with the latest developments from digital printing to double belt press technology

Bielefeld, 25.04.2018  – 120 invited international visitors, from around 20 countries, spent the whole day at Hymmen’s in-house "Hymmen Insight  2018" trade fair at the company’s own technology center in Rödinghausen. They were wowed by the advantages offered by the latest developments in digital printing, liquid coating and laminating technology including Calander Coating Inert and double-belt press technology.

There was a varied program for the guests. They were divided into four groups and guided through the live shows and lectures. Both at the lectures and during the afternoon, visitors were able to hear presentations by the division heads and management of Hymmen on topics such as
"10 years of digital printing", "Latest innovations in digital printing", "Modern production technologies for HPL/CPL compact" and "Hymmen turnkey projects: handling, automation, project management". After lunch, all the guests then listened to a presentation from industry expert Gregor Ungricht. 

Fig. 1: Hymmen’s Managing Partner Dr. René Pankoke welcomes the guests

Fig. 2: A varied lecture program provided background information to the live demonstrations. Here: Gregor Ungricht in the packed lecture room

In addition, practical demonstrations were offered in the technology center focusing on digital printing and tandem transport, Digital Lacquer Embossing (DLE), Calander Coating Inert (CCI) and pressing of digitally printed paper on the Hymmen double belt press.

Various end products were also displayed at the respective stations of the live demonstrations, as illustration of the possible result of the process which had just been demonstrated: these ranged from flooring and edging material to a piece of furniture to refined building material. As far as the decors and the structure of the surface were concerned, there was something for every taste. From wood optics to technical decors with and without synchronous structure, right up to plain colors in all conceivable degrees of gloss.

The wide range of presentations and live demonstrations made the profound process expertise that the experts at Hymmen GmbH Maschinen- und Anlagenbau have at their disposal abundantly clear to all. This makes the company stand out as a partner for integrating the latest technologies into existing production processes.

The social factor was not overlooked on the day either: there was a discerning buffet awaiting guests for lunch and between the lectures and demonstrations there was always the opportunity for a refreshing drink, a coffee and a small snack to accompany their conversations. Representatives of the flooring industry met a wide range of edging manufacturers, furniture manufacturers, door manufacturers and representatives of the building materials industry from 20 countries worldwide (from all over Europe, Turkey, the USA, China, India and the Russian Federation).


Fig. 3: Come Together

"We are pleased that our guests were able to take home with them a lasting impression of our latest developments," said Dr. René Pankoke, Managing Partner of Hymmen. To make the positive memory of a successful day at the trade fair a little more tangible, and in addition to all the information material, all visitors received a small present of a sample of the best wood ever printed: the recently patented Digital Lacquer Embossing makes it possible to add a digitally printed surface to the digitally applied decor. This makes the refined wood-based material look and feel like a real wood product.

During the live shows, experts of all business units explained the advantages of the latest developments to the guests.