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Hymmen founds a new subsidiary in North America

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Bielefeld, 09/17/2019

We are pleased to announce the founding of our subsidiary

Hymmen North America, Corp.
Mr. Mark Joel, CEO North America
Stoneleigh Business Park
7325 West Friendly Avenue, Suite A1
Greensboro, North Carolina, 27409
Tel. +1 336 509 3716

Mr. Mark Joel knows the business in the North American woodworking market very well and will be at your disposal for any questions and demands regarding our state-of-the-art Hymmen machinery and full production lines.

Mr. Mark Joel is your partner to get easy and reliable access to the Hymmen technology. He will keep you informed about the latest technical developments in the surface-finishing market. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Joel for any question in connection with the Hymmen range of products. In the future, we will also move our Hymmen spare parts business for the North American market to our Greensboro office.

We are looking forward to a successful and prosperous business relationship to the benefit of our customers in the United States and Canada!

Be always a step ahead with the Hymmen technology for high-end surfaces!
