Hettich shows intelligent storage solutions for tiny spaces

Living in 18 m². For some a life concept, for others a necessary decision because housing in towns and cities is scarce and expensive. On the new "Tiny Spaces – Living in compact homes" Piazza, interzum picks up on the latest trend towards living in a minute urban home. Under the Fascin[action] – win storage banner, Hettich demonstrates how great it can be to live in a compact space.


Has absolutely everything: 18 m² of living space feature intelligent Hettich storage solutions from floor to ceiling. Photo: Hettich

As the megatrend towards urbanisation continues, tiny spaces are becoming established the world over as a concept for living in conurbations. More and more people are wanting to live in the urban environment, looking for affordable housing as the number of people living on their own significantly rises. Tiny spaces are much more than an alternative because a small living space doesn't equate to less quality of life. The exact opposite is true. The less space available, the more intelligent the solutions must be for designing and using it. And this doesn't mean any need to forgo good design either. Using the example of a fully furnished single person apartment on a floor space of just 18 m², Hettich shows how lovely a tiny space can be as a home and demonstrates all of the surprises it literally holds in every corner. Every storage space – whether in furniture or recesses – is easily accessible, cleverly structured and usable down to the very last inch. Throughout the apartment, space is used for storage right up to ceiling level. Provisions or items not needed every day are stored further up. Whenever necessary, integrated steps can be folded down to reach the higher levels. Versatile storage solutions turn the kitchen island into a table, the sofa into a bed, the bar into an occasional table, the stair step into a cabinet. Because this home lacks absolutely nothing, it is all the more astonishing to realise that it doesn't actually take much to be happy. The tiny space furnished by Hettich can be experienced and viewed at the dedicated Piazza area on the exhibition's Boulevard and, from summer, at the Hettich Forum in Kirchlengern.