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Hettich Group turnover up 6.8 per cent in 2017

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The Hettich group of companies with its headquarters in Kirchlengern generated a turnover of € 975 million in 2017. This represents an increase of 6.8 percent over the year before (2016: € 913 million).

As announced by the Chairman of the Management Board, managing partner Dr. Andreas Hettich, business abroad rose to 71 percent of turnover after accounting for 69 percent the year before. In 2017, some € 116 million were invested in products, plant and buildings world-wide. Around the globe, the group employed an average of 6600 members of staff over the year. More than 3600 of these workplaces were in Germany.

In full family ownership, the company has a tradition of not publishing specific operating figures. "Although turnover grew substantially last year, the operating result came under particular pressure from the sharp rise in material costs. The latest wage agreement in the metal industry is putting significant further pressure on costs and earnings", Dr. Andreas Hettich said.
