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Hettich Group sales exceed € 1 billion

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Sales up 8.6 per cent

The Hettich group of companies, one of the world's largest manufacturers of furniture fittings with headquarters in Kirchlengern, generated sales of € 1.059 billion in 2018. This represents an increase of 8.6 per cent over 2017 at € 975 million.


Around the globe, the group employed an average of 6700 members of staff over the year. More than 3600 of these workplaces were in Germany. As last year, 71 per cent of business was done abroad. In 2018, some € 119 million were invested world wide.

"We are delighted to have crossed the € 1 billion sales threshold. We thank all customers, the entire Hettich team and partners for our excellent working relationship and look forward to further successful growth in a challenging environment", Dr. Andreas Hettich said.
