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Hettich demonstrates drawer expertise at Interzum

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Platforms greatly extended across all segments

Letting its customers exploit the market even better while keeping production lean, Hettich has greatly extended its drawer and runner platforms across all segments for Interzum 2017. On display were new differentiation options and user friendly functions for the three AvanTechArciTech and InnoTech drawer systems as well as for the Quadro runner platform.

Platform concepts for profitable growth
With the platform concepts from Hettich, furniture manufacturers are not tied to any specific furniture segment by choosing a particular drawer system or drawer runner. With InnoTech drawers and Quadro runners cover a broad swath of the market with solutions for differentiating looks and functions. The ArciTech drawer system also extends these options with a carcase drilling pattern identical to that of the elegant AvanTech drawer system with thin drawer side profile.

Push to open Silent – the new level of convenience for handleless furniture design
Push to open Silent is now available for AvanTechArciTechInnoTech and Actro 5D as well as Quadro for wooden drawers. Particularly noticeable with the new product generation is its high level of closing convenience, also for lightweight drawers, without drawers reopening when closed at low speed. Drawers can be closed by hand and optional synchronisation makes it possible to open them even when pressing the edges of large drawer fronts. Push to open Silent is installed and adjusted quickly and without the need for tools.

Great visual differentiation with designer profiles
Drawer side profiles for the AvanTech YouArciTech and InnoTech Atira systems make a big impact with designer profiles. In stainless steel look, aluminium look or chrome look, they make high quality statements. The designer profiles in oak look and walnut look are homely eye catchers behind the front panel. They are fitted quickly and with minimum effort.

Inexpensive gateway to the platforms, simple upgrading
Offering entry level products for its product platforms, Hettich provides the option of making high quality attractive to the large group of price conscious buyers. For instance, even fitted with the new Quadro partial extension runner for wooden drawers with stay closed function, furniture comes with a look, running action and integrated height adjustment that gives it the edge over products with ball bearing runners and roller runner systems. But with identical carcase drillings and wooden drawer dimensions, it is also possible to use a Quadro full extension runner with 4-way adjustment and Push to open Silent. This gives furniture manufacturers maximum flexibility for their business model and in meeting their customers' wishes.
