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Element Designs' New Website Launch

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Check out our new website!

Our new website is live and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you! Please take a few minutes to go through our new site and become familiar with its overall design and layout featuring: 

  • easy to navigate site with clear paths for different users
  • responsive design which features additional information and content as you scroll down the page and adapts to different screen sizes (i.e. mobile devices) 
  • social media shortcuts throughout to encourage social sharing 

Here's a list of features we think you'll really like on our new website.

1. New Search Tool.

The new search function in the upper right hand corner makes it easy to find images of products and options.




2. Video

Featured prominently on our home page, you can watch "A Door Story" which follows an aluminum frame cabinet door from concept to creation in our manufacturing facility. This video tells the story of the hand craftsmanship and care that go into every product we make. (Please note that this video will also be available for your sales and marketing efforts. Contact us for more information.) 




3. Simple Product Layout

Our products are organized by profile or option if applicable so that all relevant product details (finishes, insert options, technical details) are in one place. 




4. New Design Tool

Customize your product with our new design tool which lets you design a door or eluma panel. The virtually designed door can then be saved to pdf or shared via email to enhance the design and specification process.




5. Architect & Designer Section

We have a new section devoted entirely to the A&D community. This area includes design specific information such as continuing  education opportunities, CSI format specifications and a specification representative finder. 


6. New Blog.

Element Designs now has a blog called In Our Element. Stay tuned via our website for regular updates with interesting and informative posts about our company, design trends and the industries we support.




7. Order Section

The order menu provides users with all the information they need to place an order from product order forms to sales representative and distributor locators. The showroom finder also includes helpful information about which Element Designs products are on display in authorized showroom locations. This section also features a helpful FAQ section with answers to our most frequently asked questions.




8. Technical Section

Our new technical section is organized so that it's simple to locate the information you need. It also includes our new backpainted glass technical manual and updated PARAPAN® technical manual.




Our new website has been designed to inspire residential and commercial interior designs as well as being a useful tool to assist you with your Element Designs' product needs. We hope you find it meets those objectives and is a helpful resource to you and your customers.
All the best,
Element Designs






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