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DIEFFENBACHER’s positive business development continues

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Good prospects for all three business units

Eppingen-based machine and plant manufacturer DIEFFENBACHER reports solid business results over the past 12 months, highlighted by a higher equity ratio, greater internal efficiency and the strong performance of its business units. 

The equity ratio increased to 34% from 31% a year ago, while capacity utilization is secured until April 2020. The number of employees remains constant at 1,700. “Three years ago, we started to make our internal structure more efficient and at the same time open up new markets. This gives us the decisive edge we have today,” said Christian Dieffenbacher, member of the DIEFFENBACHER management board.

The company’s three business units – Wood, Composites and Recycling –are performing well.

The Wood Business Unit has received numerous new plant and modernization orders in the past 12 months. Since June 2018, 16 orders for new wood-based panel plants were recorded, 10 at the headquarters in Eppingen, while subsidiary Shanghai Wood-based Panel Machinery in China received six orders. The Wood Business Unit expects strong business activity in the second half of 2019.

In January, the company created the Recycling Business Unit, based on rapid expansion of its recycling business. Orders were received during the past year in all four target markets: Wood Recycling, Alternative Fuels, Waste 2 Product (W2P) and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Sales volume of 30 million euros is expected during 2019, doubling the sales of the previous year. In the Wood Recycling segment, five wood recycling plants for the particleboard industry have been sold to date.

The Composites Business Unit continues its upward sales trend of the past 12 months, receiving seven orders for large presses with pressing forces of more than 2,500 t. The presses are mainly used for high-quality SMC and LFT applications. Four of the seven orders also include automation of the production line. In the service and modernization sector, DIEFFENBACHER’s customer-oriented solutions and efficiency-enhancing measures were also very successful with customers. DIEFFENBACHER expects a significant sales increase during 2019 in the Composites Business Unit.

Christian Dieffenbacher believes that the company is well positioned for the future. “We’re right on schedule with our sales development through 2020, and all three business units give us equal cause for optimism,” he said. Looking ahead to Ligna 2019, he added: “The trade fair is the highlight of the year for the Wood Business Unit. We don’t just want to inspire with our new technologies in Hannover, we’re also looking forward to personal discussions with our partners, customers and prospects.

