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The Cabinet Makers Association (CMA) is pleased to announce the results of their annual election for the
organization’s Board of Directors and also their officers for 2017-2018.

The CMA members re-elected Leland Thomasset of Taghkanic Woodworking (Pawling, NY) to serve
another three-year term. Matt Wehner of Cabinet Concepts by Design (Springfield, MO) was also elected by
the members to serve on the board for three years. In addition, Monika Soos of Sofo Kitchens (Maple Ridge,
BC) was voted in by the Board to serve for one year – the term balance of exiting Board Member Scott
Comstock of Woodperfect Custom Cabinetry (Forney, TX).

The Board has appointed officers for 2017-2018 as follows:
 Matt Krig of Northland Woodworks (Blaine, MN) was re-elected as President for his fourth term in
this role.
 Leland Thomasset was also re-elected to serve another term as Vice President.
 James Fox of Fox Woodworking (Phoenixville, PA) will serve as Treasurer.
 Monika Soos will serve as Secretary.

Matt Wehner will join Keith Smith of Keith Smith Custom Builders (Greer, SC) and Chris Dehmer of Dark
Horse Woodworks (Atlanta, GA) as members-at-large.

Exiting the Board are Mike Mitchell of Burger Boat (Manitowoc, WI) and Scott Comstock. The CMA
expresses gratitude to Mike and Scott for their contributions for the betterment of the association.
Please join us in congratulating the CMA’s 2017-18 board of directors. Contact information can be found at

About the Cabinet Makers Association
The Cabinet Makers Association was incorporated in 1998 by a group of custom cabinet makers who thought
the small to mid-size shop needed to network and help each other grow profitably. Currently, CMA membership is made up primarily of 20 or fewer employee operations, with the vast majority of those being
1-5 person shops. For more information, visit
