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Carla Aguiar, appointed to AWFS® Board of Directors

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Carla Aguiar, exhibits and events specialist, from Bessey Tools North America, was recently appointed to the Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS®) Board of Directors. She also sits as a current committee member for AWFS Member Services and Trade Show committees. Carla has been in the woodworking industry for over 10 years in a marketing role, specifically managing trade shows programs, special events and management meetings. Her 20 year career has mainly focused on marketing and advertising. She was chosen to fill the open board position formerly held by Steve Rangoussis, who had previously represented Festool and subsequently Castle Inc., on the AWFS Board.

ABOUT AWFS® The Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS), founded in 1911, is a nonprofit organization that wholly owns and produces the biennial AWFS®Fair. The largest trade association serving the entire home and commercial furnishings industry, AWFS has more than 300 members, including manufacturers and distributors of machinery, hardware, software, tooling, lumber, components, plastics, wood products and supplies for the woodworking industry including cabinet, furniture, millwork and custom woodworking products. To learn more, visit
