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American General Tool Group (AGTG) Vista, CA, announces the acquisition of Secco International of
Goleta, CA, which distributes wood, metal and concrete cutting and polishing power tools and
accessories. In addition, the company acquired also sells a full line of honey bee hive supplies and chili
“We are excited about this acquisition as Seeco International aligns with our existing wood working,
metal and concrete lines for tools and accessories to the professional tool dealers, service departments and
fabricators. We look forward to a seamless integration of brands to achieve supply chain efficiencies. This
present expansion is a part of our long-term plan, bringing in new lines to help our dealers with high
quality products that offer good margins. Our employees have been a major influence on our growth,
bringing an attitude of service and a spirit of cooperation, which encourages us to think big and boosts our
confidence to achieve larger targets.,” said Nasreen Godil, President of American General Tool Group.
Through the ensuing transition, AGTG will work with all Secco International customers to meet their
needs, now shipping current stock from our headquarters with 40,000 sq-ft warehouse in Vista, CA.
We at AGTG wish Steve & Kathie Clemens of Secco International a happy and a healthy retirement as
they travel our great country in their RV, enjoying time together and, playing the ukulele.
American General Tool Group is an international company having offices in several countries, with a
primary focus on sales into multiple industries for USA markets in tools, parts and accessories.
