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2016 - 31st Annual Design Competition Winners

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In our 31 years of hosting the Annual Design Competition, we are still blown away by the amazing submissions we receive. We often wonder how can we possibly expect to see anything new and exciting? Then, every year, we still are somehow surprised by the original, the ingenuitive, and the downright inspiring designs that come in. We are humbled that this little design contest of ours has grown to such great heights and now has a reach that extends all over the globe.
This year, we want to congratulate FOUR fantastic designs! After an overwhelming number of entries were reviewed, we narrowed our search down to four finalists and after careful consideration, we decided to declare all four as winners. As fate would have it, three out of the four winners are students. At the same school. In the same class! This was purely coincidental, but once we found out the news, we were ecstatic to learn that our competition is now reaching a wider audience at the university level and that professors are encouraging their students to enter! We proudly welcome the designers of tomorrow!

Learn more about the winners and their products here
