Table of Contents
With KBIS starting next week in Vegas, the NKBA Staff wants to ensure participants get the most out of this immense event, sharing what you need to know before you arrive.
1. Hungry and don’t want to wait in long lines?
The Plaza, across from the main entrance outside of South Hall, features local food trucks, product demonstrations, immersive booth experiences, and live music. Enjoy plenty of seating at the perfect place to recharge and grab a bite! And at the back of South Hall is the Discovery District food court with plenty of additional options.

2. Don’t Forget the Coffee
Bringing your A-game to KBIS is crucial. For many of us, that means extra caffeine. Starbucks mobile will only be available during select times of the show, so we recommend grabbing coffee on your way to LVCC or visiting one of the multiple coffee shops located throughout the convention center:
- Dunkin Donuts in West Hall (and in carts throughout the lobbies)
- Starbucks in the lobbies of Central and North Halls
- Today’s Espresso Bistro in North Lobby
- Five Spot Coffee in South Lobby
3. Water Breaks
We all love Las Vegas, but the dry desert air can leave you dehydrated. To avoid that, we recommend drinking lots of water. Bring an empty water bottle and fill it up at one of the dozens of refillable water stations located around the LVCC. If you forget your water bottle, there are plenty of drinking fountains and restaurants/kiosks where water is available for purchase.
4. Take a Seat
KBIS has over 670 exhibitors this year spanning 500,000 square feet. The good news is that our industry is growing! But with that growth comes an even bigger show, and more walking. If you need a place to rest mid-day, there are seating areas located throughout the convention center:
- DCW Lounge: Central Grand Lobby
- DCW Lounge: West Grand Lobby
- Global Connect Lounge: South Hall
5. Work it 9 to 5
So excited about KBIS that you want to get in before the show starts for a sneak peak? So are we. But unless you have a special pass (and you know who you are)… the doors to the show floor don’t open until 9:00. So sleep in, and rest up so you can enjoy every minute on the show floor between 9:00 and 5:00. Unless of course you’re attending any of the pre-show events like the DCW Opening Ceremonies, VFTI sessions, or NKBA’s annual State of the Association and State of the Industry.
6. Charge Ahead!
Taking photos/videos/posting to social and scanning QR codes for more information are regular parts of the show. But that can lead to low cell phone batteries. To ensure you don’t miss any content or product information, charging stations are available in the DCW Lounges in the Central Grand Lobby and the West Grand Lobby as well as the NKBA | KBIS booth (SL3125).

7. Easy Transport, Hall-to-Hall
The Vegas Loop at LVCC provides fast and convenient transportation for attendees, connecting the new West Hall with the existing campus (North/Central/South Halls). The Resorts World passenger station also provides hotel guests direct access to and from the LVCC. Typical walk time between the West Hall to the existing North/Central Hall can take up to 25 minutes. The same trip on the Vegas Loop at Las Vegas Convention Center takes approximately 2 minutes!
8. Global Footprint
We’re introducing a superior caliber of international brands exhibiting (the most in KBIS history!), as well as Italian, German, Brazilian, and British pavilions. Global Connect activations are bigger and more robust than ever. You won’t want to miss the Luxury Lounge, the Global Connect Lounge, the KBIS NEXTStage, and our highly regarded Voices From the Industry Conference.

9. Find Your Way
To help with finding your way around the show, we’re introducing a new wayfinding system: KBIS is color coded. Looking for The Plaza? Follow the blue. Wondering if your favorite booth is in West Hall or South Hall? Just confirm the color. You can also stop by the NKBA | KBIS Booth (SL3125) to check out the large-scale KBIS Campus map with a “You are Here” locator to help orient yourself on the show floor. (Similar maps are also around each Hall main entrance.)
10. Photo Op
Need a new headshot? Head to the NKBA | KBIS booth (SL3125) and get your free professional headshot. Your new headshot will be emailed directly to you and will also be featured on the NKBA | KBIS booth wall display. Headshots are available on a first come, first serve basis from 9:00 PM – 5:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Bonus: Be sure to download and check out this year’s Official KBIS Mobile App, now available for download for attendees & exhibitors. With the app, you can:
- Explore the full agenda
- Connect with exhibitors
- See floor plans, products, and exhibitor directory
- Use the map to plot your journey
- Create your daily schedule
See everyone next week!